Previous Trainings
2024 Optimizing Small Wastewater Treatment Plants (AR)
This 7.5-hour virtual workshop discusses how small wastewater treatment plants can be optimized for nutrient removal and efficiency. By the end of this class, attendees will be able to do the following:
> List key monitoring parameters to evaluate treatment plant performance.
> Perform process control calculations to evaluate plant performance.
> Evaluate the efficiency of energy usage in the wastewater treatment plants.
> Discuss operation and maintenance practices to improve plant operation.
> List key monitoring parameters to evaluate treatment plant performance.
> Perform process control calculations to evaluate plant performance.
> Evaluate the efficiency of energy usage in the wastewater treatment plants.
> Discuss operation and maintenance practices to improve plant operation.
2024 Updating a Bridge, Pavement, or Compliance Plan Webinar - Aug
This webinar will review the process of updating data for the templates from Roadsoft and MiBridge, will step through the process of completing updated graphs and tables for these plans, and will demonstrate generation of an updated compliance plan. This training will also illustrate techniques and tools in Microsoft Word that can be used to speed up the update review and editing process.
2024 Microsoft PowerPoint Workshop - July
This workshop will help you speed up document production and learn to take advantage of PowerPoint features such as master pages, templates, layers, object selection, image animations, and automated slide shows.
2024 Microsoft Excel Workshop - July
This workshop will help you make your documents more attractive and useful with consistent formatting. You’ll learn to take advantage of powerful Excel features such as pivot tables, charts, graphs, and complex calculations.
2024 Microsoft Word Workshop - July
This workshop will help you speed up document production using Word’s built-in formatting and design tools, as well as help you work more efficiently and easily as you create and edit typical business and government documents.
2024 Introduction to HEC-RAS 2D Modeling - Lansing
This 3.5-day introductory course will cover the basics of 2D flow modeling using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software package. Course topics will include: an overview of 2D modeling within the HEC-RAS software, data requirements and acquisition, developing a 2D model, understanding 2D modeling outputs, and adding bridges, culverts and other connections within the 2D model. Participants will get hands-on experience through multiple lab exercises.
2024 Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Lagoons Webinar (IL)
This 2-part virtual training workshop discusses the basic operating principles of wastewater treatment lagoons and operator tasks associated with operation, maintenance, monitoring, and compliance. By the end of this class, attendees will be able to do the following:
> List key monitoring parameters to evaluate lagoon performance.
> Describe daily operator duties necessary for wastewater lagoon operation.
> Explain the causes of excess sludge accumulation and discuss solutions.
> Analyze compliance problems that can occur with wastewater lagoons.
> List key monitoring parameters to evaluate lagoon performance.
> Describe daily operator duties necessary for wastewater lagoon operation.
> Explain the causes of excess sludge accumulation and discuss solutions.
> Analyze compliance problems that can occur with wastewater lagoons.
2024 PASER Training - Class 2 Webinar (July 10 & 11)
This class includes TAMC updates on data collection & council info, rating rules & tips, interactive rating exercises on asphalt/concrete/sealcoat roads. Attendance is required both days. Please note that registration for PASER Class 1 is separate.
2024 PASER Training - Class 1 Webinar (July)
This class covers distress identification for asphalt, concrete & sealcoat roads and sets the foundation for the PASER visual rating system. Please note that registration for PASER Class 2 is separate.
2024 Welding for Maintenance Workers - Grand Rapids (June 26 & 27)
This class will cover welding & cutting safety, duty cycle, welding defects, equipment maintenance, demonstrations, SMAW, GMAW, GTAW.